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My audio tracks don’t play but I can see the sticky footer player. What’s wrong?

The issue seems mostly related if you use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) or GoDaddy Shared Hosting (GoDaddy enable a CDN by default)

The player shows up at bottom but it won’t play any audio. This happens because you have CDN (Content Delivery Networks) enabled in your GoDaddy control panel. If you check your console log (with Chrome), you will see a CORS Policy error such as this one: https://d.pr/i/Be7qSM

It’s because your player is hosted on yourdomain.com but the player tries to play a file that is hosted on a different domain name thus it gives a permission error. (CORS). Since our player use javascript to request the audio file, the source server (aka requested server) must “accept” incoming request from the server (aka origin server) where the player is embed.

There are 3 different options to resolve this issue:

Step 1 – You disable your CDN on GoDaddy (check in your Godaddy panel)

Step 2 – You turn off real-time spectrum analyzer in wp-admin > theme options > general settings (this disable the javascript request at the same time)

Step 3 – You check with your CDN to add yourdomain.com to its CORS header.

Updated on February 23, 2022
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